The following are the list styles available in the design system.
Unstyled list
Resets the base styling applied to any list
- List item
- List item
- List item
- List item
<ul class="sba-c-unstyled-list">
<li>List item</li>
<li>List item</li>
<li>List item</li>
<li>List item</li>
Timelines visually connect items in an ordered list.
August 2017
Jane Doe change the status to In Progress
Karen Smith changed the review status to Assigned
Karen Smith changed the review status to Assigned
June 2017
Jane Doe change the status to In Progress
<div class="sba-c-timeline">
<div class="sba-c-timeline__group">
<h4 class="sba-c-timeline__header">August 2017</h4>
<ol class="sba-c-timeline__list">
<li class="sba-c-timeline__list__item">
<span class="sba-c-timeline__timestamp">08/24 at 4:12pm</span>
<p>Jane Doe change the status to In Progress</p>
<li class="sba-c-timeline__list__item">
<span class="timeline__timestamp">08/23 at 12:18pm</span>
<p>Karen Smith changed the review status to Assigned</p>
<li class="sba-c-timeline__list__item">
<span class="sba-c-timeline__timestamp">08/19 at 9:52am</span>
<p>Karen Smith changed the review status to Assigned</p>
<div class="sba-c-timeline__group">
<h4 class="sba-c-timeline__header">June 2017</h4>
<ol class="sba-c-timeline__list">
<li class="sba-c-timeline__list__item">
<span class="sba-c-timeline__timestamp">07/24 at 4:12pm</span>
<p>Jane Doe change the status to In Progress</p>
- Always use
instead oful
for the list since the pattern establishes a specific order. - Timeline sets can be grouped in a
to break up sets visually.
When to consider something else
- When there is no ordered, linear relationship from one list item to the next
Lists of form fields
These lists are only useful when placed within the sba-l-content-wrapper--form
content wrapper.
Text inputs
Radios and checkboxes
<h3 class="sba-u-color--muted">Text inputs</h3>
<div class="sba-l-content-wrapper--form">
<ul class="sba-c-fields-list">
<div class="sba-c-field-wrap">
<label class="sba-c-label" for="s1_1">First Name</label>
<input class="sba-c-input" id="s1_1" type="text" />
<div class="sba-c-field-wrap">
<label class="sba-c-label" for="s1_2">Last name</label>
<input class="sba-c-input" id="s1_2" type="text" />
<div class="sba-c-field-wrap">
<label class="sba-c-label" for="s1_3">Nickname</label>
<input class="sba-c-input" id="s1_3" type="text" />
<h3 class="sba-u-color--muted">Radios and checkboxes</h3>
<div class="sba-l-content-wrapper--form">
<div class="sba-c-field-wrap">
<ul class="sba-c-fields-list sba-c-fields-list--condensed">
<input class="sba-c-radio" id="s2_1" type="checkbox" name="s2" value="v" >
<label class="sba-c-label" for="s2_1">Option 1</label>
<input class="sba-c-radio" id="s2_2" type="checkbox" name="s2" value="v" >
<label class="sba-c-label" for="s2_2">Option 2</label>
<input class="sba-c-radio" id="s2_3" type="checkbox" name="s2" value="v" >
<label class="sba-c-label" for="s2_3">Option 3</label>