
JS File

Date picker is a way to pick dates

Calendar picker


This component requires jQuery UI. uses version 1.11.4

Calendar picker allows user to select a date from calendar view or enter a date with text.

For example, MM/DD/YYYY

<label for="date_input" class="sba-c-label sba-u-margin-top--0">Enter a date</label>
<p class="sba-c-form-hint" id="date_input_hint">For example, MM/DD/YYYY</p>
<input type="text" id="date_input" class="sba-c-input js-calendar-picker js-format-as-date" aria-describedby="date_input_hint" /> 


  • Calendar picker calendar is built with jQuery UI
  • The class name js-calendar-picker is used to create the calendar picker
  • Adding js-format-as-date class name formats date properly as user types. Also prevents user from entering invalid date
  • Calendar pickers should be used for all date fields

Text only date pickers and HTM5 native field

These items will be deprecated once the calendar picker has been accepted.f

For example, MM/DD/YYYY

<label for="date_input" class="sba-c-label">Enter a date</label>
<p class="sba-c-form-hint" id="date_input_hint">For example, MM/DD/YYYY</p>
<input type="date" id="date_input" class="sba-c-input" aria-describedby="date_input_hint" pattern="(0[1-9]|1[012]).(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]).[0-9]{4}" required />


The date input does not have a wide range of browser support. For browsers that do not support the date input, the fallback is a text field that is recieves formatting as the user types.

  • You must use a form hint with an id. The form input must use an aria-describedby attribute to refer back to the hint's id. This provides context in an accessible way as a fallback to browsers that do not support date inputs.
  • The pattern attribute provides client-side validation. However, you must always use server-side validation.
  • Do not use the input-width utility on <input type="date"> because the spinner and calendar dropdown cuts off the date in Chrome.
  • Avoid using min and max attributes on the date picker, as some browsers have difficulty interpreting them on date inputs. If you need code>min and max attributes, see the example below.

Other considerations

  • See note above about code>min and max attributes. This could make selecting a date range difficult.
  • <input type="date"> is not supported in Safari or IE. Instead, the browser will treat as a text input (though formatted with JS).
  • Mobile browsers may have a scrollwheel implementation for <input type="date">, and keyboard entry not be available.

Date as formatted text field

If you need to have min and max attributes, an alternative is available. If that is the case, use a text input. This is also an example of how a date field would funtion on a browser that does not support the date input.

In this instance, if you add a class name of js-format-as-date to a text field, the input will be automatically formatted as the user types.

For example, MM/DD/YYYY

<label for="date_input2" class="sba-c-label sba-u-margin-top--0">Enter a date</label>
<p class="sba-c-form-hint" id="date_input_hint2">For example, MM/DD/YYYY</p>
<input type="text" id="date_input2" class="sba-c-input sba-u-input-width--16 js-format-as-date" aria-describedby="date_input_hint2" pattern="(0[1-9]|1[012])\s?.\s?(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\s?.\s?[0-9]{4}" required />