Button group
Button groups are used for displaying groups of buttons that perform related actions in a horizontal row. On mobile devices, the buttons are stacked vertically.
<div class="sba-c-button-group">
<button type="button" class="sba-c-button sba-c-button--transparent sba-c-button--big">
<button type="submit" class="sba-c-button sba-c-button--big">
Add note & continue
<button type="submit" class="sba-c-button sba-c-button--inverse sba-c-button--big">
- Space buttons evenly
- Create a clear distinction between a primary action and secondary action
- Consider icons in buttons for extra affordance
- Back buttons should be placed towards the top of the page since that is when users would most likely want to go back
- If a skip button is present, avoid using verbs such as "Continue" by itself ("Add note & continue" is acceptable) as well as any icons that convey forward motion on the primary action.
- Button groups may contain a single button
- Primary actions can be the default button design, as well as
- Cancel actions should use
- Skip actions should use
When to consider something else
- More than three buttons are needed