Editorial Style Guide
The editorial style guide will help you navigate specific grammar and style choices. Here, you’ll find only ambiguous or frequently used words and phrases for the SBA.
If your question isn’t answered here, check the 18F guide for specific words and phrases. If you still need help, try a web search.
8(a) business development program
Do not capitalize. Always include the word program on first reference. After the first reference, you can call it the 8(a) program. Do not abbreviate to 8(a) BD.
Capitalize it at the start of a sentence or as part of a company’s actual name.
Certificate of Competency and Certificate of Competency program
When referring to the certificate: Capitalize as Certificate of Competency. On later references, refer to it simply as a certificate at your discretion.
When referring to the program: Capitalize as Certificate of Competency program. On later references, refer to it as the program at your discretion. Do not capitalize program.
Do not abbreviate to COC.
commercial market representative
Do not capitalize. Do not abbreviate to CMR. On second reference, use representative at your discretion.
DUNS number
Capitalize each letter in DUNS. Do not hyphenate between each letter (D-U-N-S). Do not capitalize number. At your discretion, you may spell out Data Universal Numbering System on first reference.
HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zones) program
Always capitalize the first four letters. Prefer the use of the acronym HUBZone over spelling it out. Spell it out fully on first reference only when absolutely necessary, such as when you’re specifically responding to what HUBZone stands for. When you spell it out, capitalize each word and use the acronym first (this is the opposite of normal acronym guidelines). Do not capitalize program.
Lender Match
Always capitalize as Lender Match. Do not hyphenate.
Do not use. Replace instances with Lender Match.
Do not hyphenate.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
Spell out fully on first reference. Capitalize each words. Capitalize each letter in NAICS. Do not capitalize code.
procurement center representative
Do not capitalize. Do not abbreviate to PCR. On second reference, use representative at your discretion.
Small Business Administration
Always capitalize. Spell it out completely on first reference. If an acronym is necessary for future reference, spell the full word and follow with the acronym in parentheses on the first reference. For example, the Small Business Administration (SBA).
After the first reference, you can choose to refer to it as the SBA.
When spelled out or abbreviated, it should be preceded by the. Don’t capitalize the.
Only add U.S. in the name for official logos, wordmarks, and signature blocks.
Small Business Development Center
Always capitalize. Spell it out completely on first reference. If an acronym is necessary for future reference, spell the full word and follow with the acronym in parentheses on the first reference. For example, a Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
After the first reference, you can choose to refer to it as either a SBDC or simply as a center.
Do not hyphenate. Write as one one word.
Capitalize like so: SUB-Net. Refer to it as the subcontracting database or the database on second reference at your discretion.
System for Award Management (SAM)
When written as the System for Award Management, capitalize all words but for. Spell out fully on first reference. Do not use the word system after SAM. Prefer referencing it as the award management system, or the system on second reference.