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8(a) Business Development Program
Application | Date Submitted | Status |
Initial Application Mike‘s Garage Individual Contributor |
N/A |
Incomplete You must complete your application before the firm owner will be able to submit it to the SBA. |
Type | Date Submitted | Status | Actions |
Initial Application | N/A |
Incomplete You must complete your application before you will be able to submit it to the SBA. |
Initial Application | 05/21/2017 |
Updates needed The SBA has returned your application. Please complete by 09/15/2017. View application for more information. |
Initial Application | 05/21/2017 |
Updates needed The SBA has requested updates to you application. View application for more information. |
Initial Application | 05/21/2017 |
Returned The SBA has returned your application because it is incomplete. |
Initial Application | N/A |
Ready to submit Your application is ready to submit to the SBA. |
Initial Application | 05/21/2017 |
Under review The SBA is currently processing your application. This typically takes 90 days, but sometimes takes longer. Please be available in the event that SBA should contact you to request additional information. |
Initial Application | 05/21/2017 |
Declined Your request to join the 8(a) Business Development Program has been, unfortunately, declined. View application to learn about reconsiderations and appeals, if applicable. |
As a reminder, the 8(a) program is limited to nine years. Even if your company is eligible, you may choose to wait to submit your application until you are ready to pursue government contracts so that you take full advantage of the once in a lifetime nine year program.
Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program
The Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Program allows set-asides for WOSBs in industries where firms are underrepresented. WOSBs must be at least 51% owned and controlled by women.
- Meet the small business size standard for the primary NAICS code and contract
- Be at least 51% unconditionally and directly owned by women who are U.S. citizens
- Women must manage the day-to-day operations
- Women must make the long-term decisions for the business
- A woman must the hold highest officer position in the business
- This woman must work at the business full-time during normal working hours.
- No minimum amount of time for the business to be operational
Read more about the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program
Mentor Protégé
The purpose of the new program is to develop strong protégé firms through mentor-provided business development assistance, and to help protégés successfully compete for government contracts.