

CSS file

Questionnaire pages

A questionnaire page will have the following items:


A question is a set of components wrapped in a sba-c-question-container.

Are you the highest paid owner at your firm?

For example, you can be one of the following:

  • An owner
  • Something else
Select your answer
  • You will be asked some follow-up questions

More information

Examples of non-8(a) work include:

  • Non-government/commercial contracts and subcontracts
  • Government work outside of an 8(a) award
  • Multiple award schedule contracts not offered through the 8(a) program
<div class="sba-c-question-container">
  <div class="sba-c-question" id="q1" aria-details="q1_footnote">
    <h3 class="sba-c-question__primary-text">Are you the highest paid owner at your firm?</h3>
    <div class="sba-c-question__support-text">
      <p>For example, you can be one of the following:</p>
        <li>An owner</li>
        <li>Something else</li>
  <div class="sba-c-response">
    <fieldset class="sba-c-fieldset">
      <legend class="sba-c-legend sba-u-visibility--screen-reader">Select your answer</legend>
      <ul class="sba-c-input-list">
          <input id="q1_a1" type="radio" name="q1_answers" value="Yes" aria-describedby="q1">
          <label for="q1_a1">Yes</label>
          <input id="q1_a2" type="radio" name="q1_answers" value="No" aria-describedby="q1" data-follow-up="q1_a2_followup" aria-controls="q1_a2_followup" aria-expanded="false">
          <label for="q1_a2">No</label>
          <p class="sba-c-response__option-details">You will be asked some follow-up questions</p>
    <div class="sba-c-follow-up" id="q1_a2_followup" hidden>
      <div class="sba-c-document-prompt">
        <p class="sba-c-document-prompt__header">Please add the following document(s):</p>
        <button class="sba-c-button">
          <svg aria-hidden="true" class="sba-c-icon sba-u-margin-right--1">
            <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="/certify-design-system-documentation/assets/svg-sprite/sprite.svg#file"></use>
          </svg>Add document(s)
  <div class="sba-c-question-footnote" id="q1_footnote">
    <h4 class="sba-c-question-footnote__heading">More information</h4>
    <p>Examples of non-8(a) work include:</p>
      <li>Non-government/commercial contracts and subcontracts</li>
      <li>Government work outside of an 8(a) award</li>
      <li>Multiple award schedule contracts not offered through the 8(a) program</li>


It is important to create a meaning relationships between each component of the questionnaire. This can be done in the following ways.