A questionnaire page will have the following items:
A question is a set of components wrapped in a sba-c-question-container
Use the badges to add flags to questions. NOTE: This concept is still under consideration. This is a placeholder for now.
The question is the primary ask of the user. There must be a direct relationship between the question and the response solicited from the user. Questions should be focused and direct, and should not include text such as "for example."
This provides additional context about the nature of a question. Support text can include sample responses, in-depth descriptions, supplemental instructions, definitions, lists, etc., or any important information that the user needs know before providing a response. Quesiton support text will include HTML support for:
The response is where the user provides a response to the question being asked. The response options must relate directly to the question being asked. The response will support a broad range of inputs, including:
Follow-ups remain hidden and disabled
on the page and only appear when the user makes a specific response that triggers it to appear. The follow-up may be text or another question or set of questions. Question follow-ups use the same model as primary questions.
Think of these as a footer, or "details" section for a question. It may include links to the CFR and other information that might be useful to the user, but not the type of information that the user needs to know before determining a response.
For example, you can be one of the following:
Please add the following document(s):
Examples of non-8(a) work include:
<div class="sba-c-question-container">
<div class="sba-c-question" id="q1" aria-details="q1_footnote">
<h3 class="sba-c-question__primary-text">Are you the highest paid owner at your firm?</h3>
<div class="sba-c-question__support-text">
<p>For example, you can be one of the following:</p>
<li>An owner</li>
<li>Something else</li>
<div class="sba-c-response">
<fieldset class="sba-c-fieldset">
<legend class="sba-c-legend sba-u-visibility--screen-reader">Select your answer</legend>
<ul class="sba-c-input-list">
<input id="q1_a1" type="radio" name="q1_answers" value="Yes" aria-describedby="q1">
<label for="q1_a1">Yes</label>
<input id="q1_a2" type="radio" name="q1_answers" value="No" aria-describedby="q1" data-follow-up="q1_a2_followup" aria-controls="q1_a2_followup" aria-expanded="false">
<label for="q1_a2">No</label>
<p class="sba-c-response__option-details">You will be asked some follow-up questions</p>
<div class="sba-c-follow-up" id="q1_a2_followup" hidden>
<div class="sba-c-document-prompt">
<p class="sba-c-document-prompt__header">Please add the following document(s):</p>
<button class="sba-c-button">
<svg aria-hidden="true" class="sba-c-icon sba-u-margin-right--1">
<use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="/certify-design-system-documentation/assets/svg-sprite/sprite.svg#file"></use>
</svg>Add document(s)
<div class="sba-c-question-footnote" id="q1_footnote">
<h4 class="sba-c-question-footnote__heading">More information</h4>
<p>Examples of non-8(a) work include:</p>
<li>Non-government/commercial contracts and subcontracts</li>
<li>Government work outside of an 8(a) award</li>
<li>Multiple award schedule contracts not offered through the 8(a) program</li>
It is important to create a meaning relationships between each component of the questionnaire. This can be done in the following ways.
with aria-details
on the sba-c-question
so that the primary text of the question and the supporting text reference the details.input
in a sba-c-response
, use aria-details
to reference the id
of it’s sba-c-question
must include a legend
. If the legend does not need to appear visually, apply the class name of sba-u-visibility--screen-reader
to hide it, but make available to screen readers.id
with aria-controls
and use aria-expanded
to indicate whether or not the follow-up is visible.